If you are diagnosed with periodontal disease, our experienced dentist, Dr. Gregory Erramouspe, may recommend a deep periodontal cleaning to fight the disease and improve your oral health. Also known as scaling and root planing, this deep cleaning works to remove disease-causing bacteria and plaque from your mouth. If you are concerned about the health of your gums and would like to schedule an appointment for a deep periodontal cleaning in Rock Springs, Wyoming, call 307-362-3121 today and a member of our team will be happy to schedule your appointment.

The process of scaling and root planning involves a more intensive cleaning routine than one you would receive at a regular dental visit. Even if you have perfect oral hygiene habits, it is impossible to protect the sections of your teeth that lie below the gum line. A deep periodontal cleaning removes the tartar and plaque that builds up below the gum line and in areas of your mouth that are difficult to reach.